• Question: Is there any thing you'd like to find out more about in science

    Asked by Livvymiles to Greg, Jen, Laura, Mobeen, Paul on 6 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Laura Haworth

      Laura Haworth answered on 6 Mar 2016:

      There is so much more I would like to find out about in science. We are learning new things every day and there is so much still to be discovered.

    • Photo: Greg Melia

      Greg Melia answered on 7 Mar 2016:

      Oh, several things. Right now I want to know how light moves through different layers of your skin – it may not sound interesting by itself, but I need to know so the rest of my project can move forward. Next month, I’ll want to find out something else. That’s the great thing about science: you’re always moving forward, always asking questions and you never stop learning.

    • Photo: Paul O'Mahoney

      Paul O'Mahoney answered on 7 Mar 2016:

      Lots of stuff, that’s why I do research! I’d like to know more about chemistry because I never really did it in school much, and it always helps to have a good understanding of all the sciences.

    • Photo: Jen Lowe

      Jen Lowe answered on 7 Mar 2016:

      I would like more research into the effect of diet and lifestyle on disease. I suspect there are so many things we do that either help or hinder our health. Some strong effects we know about – smoking bad, exercise good, but there must be so many more. Sadly there is no money to be made in us changing our diet or habits so it is not something that rich pharmaceutical or healthcare companies are likely to invest in as they won’t make money from it. I think the NHS and charities are most likely to fund this work. There are lots of vitamins and herbs already known to have health effects.

    • Photo: Mobeen Ali

      Mobeen Ali answered on 8 Mar 2016:

      I’d really know like to know more about quantum physics and how exactly the brain works to give us thoughts.
