• Question: What do you think the best invention in history is?

    Asked by Tammy to Greg, Jen, Laura, Mobeen, Paul on 8 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Paul O'Mahoney

      Paul O'Mahoney answered on 8 Mar 2016:

      This is quite difficult because most good inventions had a lot of significance at the time, but they’re maybe not so obvious now. I’d maybe say electricity, although it might not technically be an ‘invention’ I think being able to use it in the way we do now has obviously had a huge impact.

    • Photo: Greg Melia

      Greg Melia answered on 8 Mar 2016:

      I think some people looked at this a few years ago, and decided it was the flush toilet. You can certainly catch all sorts of diseases if you don’t have good hygiene, so I’m inclined to agree with them!

    • Photo: Laura Haworth

      Laura Haworth answered on 8 Mar 2016:

      Ah there is so many. The aeroplane is a good invention as it allows us to travel the world. The internet is another good one- we use it for so many things these days including being able to be involved in events such as this.

    • Photo: Jen Lowe

      Jen Lowe answered on 8 Mar 2016:

      I have to say I am pretty sold on the internet. It didn’t exist when I was at school (I have learnt that this means I am a ‘digital immigrant’!). I first used email and the internet when I first went to uni. It was very black and white and mostly text based.
      However the internet wouldn’t be there without the invention of electricity, computers, code, integrated circuits, optical fibre etc.

    • Photo: Mobeen Ali

      Mobeen Ali answered on 17 Mar 2016:

      I would have to say the generation of electricity. It powers so much of our world and it would be very difficult to live without it.
