• Question: what is the most interesting discovery you have made as a scientist

    Asked by bethr to Greg, Jen, Laura, Mobeen, Paul on 8 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Paul O'Mahoney

      Paul O'Mahoney answered on 8 Mar 2016:

      I discovered a new way to sort out healthy and unhealthy blood cells using just light! It’s always nice when you do something that hasn’t been done before 🙂

    • Photo: Laura Haworth

      Laura Haworth answered on 8 Mar 2016:

      I am still young in my scientist career so have yet to discover something fascinating but I am currently looking into an alternative method for looking at the blood flow in people where their kidneys no longer work so they have to go onto something called dialysis. I am hoping this research may give me some interesting findings.

    • Photo: Greg Melia

      Greg Melia answered on 9 Mar 2016:

      I discovered how some radio waves and microwaves bounce straight off our skin, some flow right through us and some flow in a little way, then ‘bounce around’ between the different layers of skin, muscle and fat in our bodies. I was able to find out which types of waves do which, and how the type of body we have – such as whether we’re fat or thin – affects how we interact with radio waves.
