• Question: What is the most used muscle in the human body? ?

    Asked by Aaron H to Greg, Jen, Laura, Mobeen, Paul on 6 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Laura Haworth

      Laura Haworth answered on 6 Mar 2016:

      Oooo interesting question. I would say perhaps the heart as it is a group of muscles that never stops working.

    • Photo: Paul O'Mahoney

      Paul O'Mahoney answered on 7 Mar 2016:

      The muscles in the eyes are really active, and even keep moving when you are asleep!

    • Photo: Greg Melia

      Greg Melia answered on 7 Mar 2016:

      Your heart pumps all the time, around 60 times a minute. It’s made of a special type of muscle, which is different from the muscles in the rest of your body, to allow it to work as much as it does.

    • Photo: Mobeen Ali

      Mobeen Ali answered on 7 Mar 2016:

      The heart beats from just before you were born till the end of your life. For an average of 60 beats per minute for 80 years, that’s about just over 2.5 billion times.

    • Photo: Jen Lowe

      Jen Lowe answered on 10 Mar 2016:

      I have had a long think about this. I would think it would vary from person to person. For me I think one of the muscles in my back as I use that all the time I am sitting up, walking, running and biking.
