• Question: What is your opinion on using cellular engineering to observe cell morphology in order to understand what causes tumours? The link to the forbes article is: http://www.forbes.com/sites/arleneweintraub/2016/03/02/ibms-cancer-moonshot-using-computer-science-to-battle-tumors/#20506b3b2f9e

    Asked by Katie to Greg on 8 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Greg Melia

      Greg Melia answered on 8 Mar 2016:

      Hi Katie, I think it’s a really valuable approach. People like me can work in detecting cancers that have grown, and people like Jen can work in removing them, but that’s only ‘fire fighting’ unless we can also get to the root of why they form and stop them growing in the first place. Computer science is a really exciting field and I know people who are doing some really novel things with new techniques in sub-fields like AI and data mining, so if that can be applied to cancer, all the better.
